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100 word challenge week#14

                                                                                   What Did They Expect?   People are strange, they expect me to do human things but i'm obviously a monkey, sometimes, I don't even know. Why am I here? Am I a science experiment they're going to make explode! Never mind, a man just gave me a device while I sat on a office chair. Buttons were attached to the bottom half. I looked up to the man, he was holding a small machine that flashes. Confusion makes me furious, what do they want me to do? I grabbed the device and shoved it off the table, bouncing out the room I went on a rampage of anger throughout the hall.

100 word challenge week#13

                                                                                             All But One   Working past pillars and walls, I Hunted for an escape root to the end. Joey my ally flew by me as he joined the search. Tigers bolted for us preparing for a meal and so we raced faster to find the door of wizardry. Finally we wandered by a corner to find our self fiddling with the door's switches, without a warning the gate cracked open. All but one tiger chased us, only caring for our task we ignored it. Suddenly the tiger was blocking our escape. How will we avoid the tiger now I thought, I wasn't ready to fail my mission.   

100 word challenge week#12

                                                                                                 Stars   All alone, I stood next to an old mossy log as my eyes hurried to the northern stars .  Sand slipped into my shoes while a soft breeze of the ocean melted on my face. I haven’t seen stars in ages I thought to myself. Suddenly energetic white lights flashed my eyes from a crowd of people speeding towards me. Feared of getting trampled, I attempted to leave but I was squished as if I were a sandwich. Wondering what the cluster of people were doing, my mind started draining like a battery. Until I realized, the cameras they held were pointing to the sky.                      ...

100 Word Challenge Week#11

                                                                                                   New Element   Finally, I have accomplished making the new element. It took several years to perfect this dose, but I'm still not completely sure what it does. Dashing eagerly towards test subject#302, I began poring the element on the test subject wondering what the effects could be. All at once smoke began engulfing the lab quickly. Suddenly a scream broke into my ear, not an ordinary scream, a scream that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Before I could do anything a ghostly shadow wearing a black robe emerged from the smoke and by the time I could react I was a dead man.

100 word challenge week#10

                                                                                               Jar of Cookies   On a stormy Thursday night I slithered out of my bedroom without a sound. Slowly I crept down the stairs to the kitchen, as the cold chilly breeze seeped between the cracks of the cabin door chills crawled down my spine. The creaking wood of the kitchen floor left my mind shivering. As quietly as I could, I opened the top cabinet. Suddenly a jar of chocolate chip cookies fell, and as the jar smashed into pieces footsteps began to dash down the stairs, then I thought but where will I hide it all?

100 word challenge week#8

                                                                                               The Party   Out the window I spotted a swarm of different creatures from pretty pink princesses to physcios in straight jackets. I immediately threw on my white puffy angle costume, I dashed out the house to the Halloween party. When I arrived I felt a wave of regret wishing that I celebrated Halloween differently. Inside I was greeted with scowl, seeing the flame in there eyes. There I realized, everyone but me was invited to the party! I quickly rushed out of there. My mind was swimming in a puddle of regrets, I couldn't wait for tomorrow to forget about this embarrassing day.

100 word challenge week#7

                                                                                                             The Mission Disaster   I flee to the alleyway, hiding with my companion Brett. ''Where do we go now?'' I whispered, ''To the warehouse's roof, over there'', Brett replied, ''three, two, one go!'' we scurried to the warehouse. In fear hearing the sound of a group of people storm towards us, I shut the door right after Brett came in. ''Run!'', ''we don't have much time before the cops get in'', advised Brett as we rushed to the top of the warehouse. I overhear the cops barging into the warehouse entrance and as the door slammed, I knew I put my self in a terrible disaster.

100 word challenge week#5

                                                                                My Treasured Item   It's settled on my dresser as it shines in silver. The jewel on top is a mix of magenta and violet swirl together. I received it from my grandmother who sadly past away, yet this item makes me smile like she would. I were it sometimes, worried it would break. Fitting perfectly on wrist I'll were it only if I want to. I contain it in a safe teal blue box. It may be quiet old, but it's a special piece in my heart.

100 word challenge week#4

                                                                                   The Shadow Dog   One afternoon I came back from the dog show at a festival. I noticed something watching me it looked like a dog. I came home and went to bed. Looking at the window i saw the same dog staring at me as it moved closer every second and I went to sleep. In my dream I was at the festival looking at a statue of puppy's and a dog wearing glasses.  I felt my heartbeat race. I closed my eyes,  I was too afraid to open them. There it was, it growled then I realized this isn't a dream this is real life. 

100 word challenge week#3

                                                  The Creature   "Professor,  professor!" I called as I ran. "What!?!" Anwsered Professor, "the animal excaped" I cried. Then we ran around searchin for hours it was difficult, afterwards   I spotted a trail of sharp purple scales it seemed promising so I followed. There I saw it at the top of the labatory. It has a jaw of a crocodile and it's twisted tail like no other. It has transformed into a a monster. 

100 word challenge week#2

   The Last Ones Day have past, nothing has changed. My crew and I are the last humans on earth. We were working in the nuclear plant's underground lab, it's built like a nuclear shelter. My friend Carl one of my crew members watching the cameras suddenly shouted ''meteor incoming!'' Then it all happened. Smoke blocked the sun so there's no light for plant's to grow then most of my crew died because of this. Then a giant light bulb fell from the sky. Boom! Light flashed at the ground and plants bloomed too fast for me to see it happen. The End