
Showing posts from December, 2017

100 word challenge week#14

                                                                                   What Did They Expect?   People are strange, they expect me to do human things but i'm obviously a monkey, sometimes, I don't even know. Why am I here? Am I a science experiment they're going to make explode! Never mind, a man just gave me a device while I sat on a office chair. Buttons were attached to the bottom half. I looked up to the man, he was holding a small machine that flashes. Confusion makes me furious, what do they want me to do? I grabbed the device and shoved it off the table, bouncing out the room I went on a rampage of anger throughout the hall.

100 word challenge week#13

                                                                                             All But One   Working past pillars and walls, I Hunted for an escape root to the end. Joey my ally flew by me as he joined the search. Tigers bolted for us preparing for a meal and so we raced faster to find the door of wizardry. Finally we wandered by a corner to find our self fiddling with the door's switches, without a warning the gate cracked open. All but one tiger chased us, only caring for our task we ignored it. Suddenly the tiger was blocking our escape. How will we avoid the tiger now I thought, I wasn't ready to fail my mission.